free your smile live workshops NZ (see below for dates)
In this two and a half hour workshop based on the book ‘free your smile’ Fre (NZDSOS co-founder) will go over a range of subjects that will make you way more self-sufficient to address sudden issues as dental pain and teeth accidents. But also a hands-on training (with tools) in self-diagnosing the severity of teeth- and gum issues. Multiple ways of self-testing your teeth will be demonstrated as well as home remedies.
A short course to take away the fear that every inflammation, crack or dark spot is an issue, but also indicating what might need a bit of tender loving care.
Fre will show what is minimal invasive dentistry and how to avoid destructive dentistry. What you can do to prevent tooth wear, which is the main cause of toothache these days.
With your own dental mirror you will be trained how to check for cracked teeth and non-vital teeth. Same time we show which chipping teeth are still ok and what may be starting decay.
You will also get a clever probe to detect gum issues and how to start healing them in just 10 days. Then follows a demo how to make your own natural toothpaste (Fre’s personal polish powder recipe) and how to adjust them to your personal taste with different essential oils.
The course will include a self-massage training of the chewing muscles that will help to sleep better and help to prevent grinding and tooth wear.
- what to do with teeth accidents adults and children
- what to do and test with toothache
- how to solve most gum issues
- what to do after a filling has come out
- what to do when a tooth cracks with biting
- how to check if you really need a dentist or a dental hygienist
- what is the only great toothbrush
- why fluoride does not prevent cavities and “the big secret” does
- why not every dark spot on your teeth is decay and how to test
- why massaging your gum and your head is so important
- how to replace toxic toothpaste
- how to remove and prevent tartar
Fre wil provide a handout with summaries and links to the book. The book is for sale at a reduced price during the course.
Afterwards there will be time for conversation about individual topics.
If you are interested in a workshop in your town please leave your contact details (name, email, place). Also ask your local VFF coordinator or PHA – hub if they are interested, that might just help to let it happen…
Koha is suggested (between $10 -35 per attendee , what you can afford). After costs we help fundraise for NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science) and PHA (Peoples Health Alliance).
Due to extensive ferry disruption our pre booked tour to the North Island 26/9 till 2/10 has been cancelled. We will come back early next year. If you have paid koha, we will be able to refund or send you a pdf of the book. Please connect to us via the contact form here: https://asklepion.academy/contact/